Daily Health Drink

Parents, whether you stay at home or you’re managing a work schedule, too, you know you need all the energy you can get. And the last thing you can afford is a crash from unhealthy ingredients such as sugar and caffeine. Instead of coffee, reach for SPORTea when you need a daily health drink. It’s packed with vitamins and minerals, as well as natural energy and immune boosters, so you won’t lose steam when you need it most.

See what some of our other parent customers have to say about SPORTea in the testimonials below!

"I found out about SPORTea® from a friend of mine who also happens to be my dentist. He made me aware how damaging citric acid (coupled with sugar) can be to children's teeth. This meant we needed to find a new "sports" drink other than Gatorade. He suggested SPORTea®." - Megan

"I'm trying to get my kids off of Powerade/Gatorade and other sugar drinks, so I now have them drink SPORTea as their regular beverage."  -Mother, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Moms/Dads... we want to hear from you! Tell us about why you and your family like SPORTea®...